Inika are a brand that I have heard of before but never had the chance to try out as I have never really seen them around my usually shopping destinations. If you haven’t heard of the brand then sit down and get ready to be inspired! The CEO of the company is a lady called Miranda Bond who struggled with endometriosis which is a gynaecological condition that makes it hard for women to conceive and even leaves some women infertile. After being told that she would never conceive naturally Miranda adopted a holistic approach to her life and aimed to restore balance to her endocrine system by changing her diet and eliminating chemicals in the products she used. After taking on this new approach and lifestyle change Miranda found herself pregnant three months later. Miranda now spends a lot of her time empowering women to take control of their health by limiting the about of toxins that they put into their bodies and educating them on natural options where possible. Whilst leading workshops and talks about Toxic Free Living Miranda met a lot of women that were struggling to find all-natural makeup. To fill this need Miranda made her own range and Inika was born! Inika Cosmetics is a 100% natural makeup line with no synthetic chemicals. Even though the company might be ‘green’ do the products do the trick?

Overall I am really impressed with the brand and the all natural products. Sometimes it’s easy to think that because it’s natural it might not be as good or the colour pay off is lacking but these products give any other higher end brand makeup line a good run for their money. You might also think that a brand like this would have a limited product range however Inika has over 80 permanent products as well as limited edition releases throughout the year. I don’t know whether I will be able to go full Anti-Toxin and only use natural makeup but this has made me a lot more aware and careful about what I pop onto my face on a day to day basis.
Have you ever tried all-natural makeup before? What are you thoughts on the brand?
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