Now I have a confession to make. I hate handcream. Always have and honestly thought I always would. I hate the feeling of greasy hands where pens slip out of your grip and I never feel a need to pop some on. However, a few weeks ago this all changed. I don’t know whether it’s the cold and wet weather we have been experiencing but I have felt recently that my hands are dryer then normal and are in need of a bit of added moisture. Cue a quick trip down to Space.NK! I did a spot of research beforehand and knew I wanted either the Nuxe Reve de Miel Hand and Nail Cream (£10) or the Caudalie Hand and Nail Cream (£12). I tried them both out and the Nuxe handcream felt more lightweight and didn’t leave a greasy finish on my hands.
Since buying this I think I have become addicted! I have been carrying around this hand cream in my handbag and applying it a good 3-4 times a day! I love the feeling it leaves on my hands and there is no nasty handcream after feeling. What’s great about this handcream is that it contains avacado and sweet almon oils to nourish and protect the skin. As they say you can always tell a woman’s age by their hands so keeping them in tip-top condition is important! I’ve also found that since using this handcream my nails are having a growth spurt! I don’t know whether it’s because I am taking better care of my hands and nails or whether it is due to the handcream itself but they feel stronger and can’t seem to stop growing!
I am a complete handcream convert and am in love with product. What do you think about handcreams? Do you like using them and is there a favourite you use?