The Makeup Forever Mist & Fix is one of the items I bought when I went to Brussels and partook in a spot of MUFE hauling. You can see everything I bought here. I can’t remember how much this bottle was in Euros but I know you can pick it up from Guru Makeup Emporium for £8.50. I was interested in trying this out as it is well recommended but is also one of the only formulas of setting sprays that doesn’t contain alcohol. The only other setting spray I have tried is Model in a Bottle which I loved and have now sadly run out of. The product made my makeup transfer resistant and was a life saver for nights out in the summer! Model in a Bottle however does contain alcohol so I was interested to see how this one would fair up in comparison.There were two main things I noticed when I first tried out this setting spray. The first is that the formula is very light – it feels like you are only spraying water on your face. The second is that it goes everywhere! Because the spray is very mist like it literally mists your face (and hair and wall behind you :P). Applying it reminds me more of MAC Fix+ as opposed to Model in a Bottle which has a slightly heavier formula. This mist is not just aimed at setting your makeup it also provides continuous protection for your skin against external pollutants by shielding your face from all the elements.
Although this setting spray says it does all the right things, I haven’t noticed a massive difference to how long my makeup stays in place. Yes it feels nice to apply, prevents my makeup from looking cakey and gives more of a dewy finish to my skin but when it comes to the makeup itself, sadly there isn’t a lot to report. My makeup lasts around the same amount of time as if I were to use a powder so I don’t feel like this does help to really keep my makeup in place. I do enjoying using it and it’s nice to use in the summer especially when it’s hot but I can’t see myself repurchasing it any time soon!
Have you tried out this setting spray? What’s your go to product to keeping your makeup in place in the summer?
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