i know there have been a fair few blog posts and a hella lot of mentions about this beauty but its to beautiful not to talk about. topshop have knocked the ball out of the park with this one. their makeup range its something i always look at when i go into a topshop shop but nothing jumps out as ‘buy me’ this was until that fateful friday when everyone and his dog had bought pillow talk and i had to rush to topshop to buy one too
its the most beautiful soft pink and for a topshop lipstick its really soft, easy to apply and quite moisturising. i had a little bit of a panic when i got home thinking that this was identical to macs lady gaga lipstick but i can happily report that there is enough difference to warrant the purchase of both and if you love the gaga lipstick you will love this
topshop pillow talk is £9 and can be bought from the website or in store